A TO Z For Dairy Farming

A-Admit the best milking animal in the herd
B-Breed animal at right age
C-Care for timely deworming and vaccination
D-Drying of the milking animal at right time
E-Educate the staff for dairy farming
F-Follow the culling of dairy animals
G-Go for green fodder production
H-Hay making to be followed
I-Involve personally in dairy business
J-Join for extension activities
K-Kharif season, preserve the green fodder
L-Low milk yield dairy animal must be attended on top priority basis
M-Milking animal to be given equal time during morning and evening
N-Note the weight of every categories of animal
O-Own herd to be raised
P-Pasture land to be allocated
Q-Quest for dairy knowledge
R-Rest to be followed for calving animals
S-Selection among milking animals to be followed
T-Try full hand milking/machine milking
U-Utilise farm yard manure affectively
V-Vow for full commitment in dairy business W-Work for making fodder calendar
X-Xray all the dairy activities
Y-Your personal involvement for running the dairy business profitably
Z- Zoom on all the core dairy activities

Written by :A.N.Thakur
Dairy consultant, iTrain Plus; http://www.itrainplus.co.in

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